Travel and Transport

In regard to student travel the College has a strong tradition of policy and practice in pastoral care and student management. On this point we remain ever vigilant and alert in our management.

The College rule is students “come straight to school/go straight home” after school.

Students need signed Exit Passes to be out of the College and/or access the Chatswood CBD for medical appointments etc. They are obtained from the Front Office, endorsed by the relevant Year Coordinator and are approved on the basis of a parent letter/note of request.

At the beginning of the year all Junior School students are shown where to catch their respective mode of transport and those who need to pass through the Interchange are escorted and shown the most direct routes to take.

Common courtesy and Christian values dictate behaviour whilst traveling, e.g.  giving up a seat for an adult etc.


All students (subject to certain conditions) are entitled to free travel between their home and the College. To qualify for a free travel pass Years 5 and 6 students must either reside outside a 1.6 km radial distance circle from the College or be required to walk more than 2.3 km by the shortest practicable route. Years 7-12 students must either reside outside a 2.0 km radial distance or be required to walk more than 2.9 km. Appeals should be directed to the Ministry of Transport.

Parents are responsible for applying for a school Opal Card.

To apply for a new card or to replace a lost/stolen or damaged card

Go to



Further information about The School Student Transport Scheme can be found at:

Please note that any change of address requires a new application to be submitted.

The transport operators charge a fee to replace lost or damaged passes.

For general enquiries and information on timetables and routes, phone 131500 or visit